Fun times at Stithians Lake Diva Weekend

When I was asked to coach for the Diva Weekend, I was really excited at the idea of coaching a group of ladies to help them get the most out of the sport I love so much! I teach ladies a lot, but usually we are in the minority! After a traumatic drive down to Cornwall, a 4.5 hour journey taking 8.5 hours, and then arriving to thick fog, I was little nervous to how the rest of the weekend may pan out, although was keeping confident in the sunny forecasts which were showing online. Saturday morning, I drove to the lake, emerging out of the fog to blue skies and a gorgeous day at Stithians Lake! Phew!! Unfortuately as you will see we were all too busy on the water to get any action shots...

The ladies arrived and we rigged up lots of kit, thanks to Tushingham, Starboard and Severne as well as of course Stithians Lake Watersports centre, we had some really great rigs to use, and a selection of the latest boards to try out. We hit the water on Atomiqs, Carves and Rios, with a selection of Gators, Swats and Bolts to get us moving with. The beginners went off to get a great introduction with Megan, everyone else was with me. The day was spent improving tacks, learning to self coach using fault analysis, and also working on everyones commitment to their harnesses with some one handed sailing. The sun stayed all day and the day flew by, we soon had to time to head in and get ready for some Yoga. Yoga was very amusing, a little tired from hours on the water, we set ourselves up by the lakeside enjoying the sunshine, and tried our best to keep up with the instructor! Most of us being new to Yoga, it was fun but also very amusing, probably more so for any spectators, giggles had to be stifled as people lost their balance and co-ordination we’d managed all day on the lake gradually disappeared.

That evening we had a really great meal, everyone was famished and we weren’t disappointed, meat eaters, vegetarians and vegans, we were all very well fed and ready for an early night!
The next day sadly the fog got the better of the lake and we were in and out of the mist all day. Drizzle and poor visibility didn’t stop us though, as we headed out when the fog allowed, to continue working on our commitment, board stability and hope for some planing gusts. The afternoon saw us going over gybes and waterstart top tips, and everyone gave it a massive amount of effort throughout the day.

For me this weekend was really great fun. Everyone was windsurfing really well, improvement in technique, confidence and ability was noted all round. The group dynamic was great, there was a lot of laughter, encouragement and determination amongst everyone. I love windsurfing with anyone and am very used to there being very few girls on the beach, so it was a real treat to be surrounded by ladies who love the water and want to continue progressing in their windsurfing. Now I really want to host a ladies day a bit more local to me for people who weren’t so lucky to get to Cornwall this weekend! Watch this space!