New Web Page
Welcome to our new website.
It was time for an update and we have been workig away at this for some time. We thought we'd lost it all and then we found it, and with a little help from our friends this is the result. We hope you like it!! Its a lot more interactive than before and has more information for you all. We would love feedback on this and if you have anything you'd like to see added, changed or removed please let us know..
Now we are off to Ireland...hoping for wind and waves. The first few days look like surfing and paddling but with the Starboard 7'10" Airborn SUP we are happy to get out suping and surfing and enjoy the conditions before the wind arrives! We will be teaching over there for 10 days after a few days personal time. We have some demo boards to take out including a 120 NuEvo from Starboard, which for a lot of the people on our Ireland course, will suit them perfectly, as they are heavier guys who love to get out wavesailing on their 110, 115 and 120's. We will be getting some reviews and some photos of the boards in action being ued by the people its designed for.